(972) 548-7277
North Tarrant
(817) 281-7277
(972) 731-5151
ER Open 24 Hours a Day / 7 Days a Week Including Holidays | Urgent Care Hours Mon-Fri (8AM-10PM) Sat (8AM-8PM) Sun (9AM-5PM)

Patient Forms for Emergency Care Center

Nearby 24/7 ER Helps Cut Wait Time for Patients

When you get sick, or suffer an injury, the last thing you need is to be stuck in the hospital ER waiting room for hours on end. For fast, efficient emergency medical care, you need to visit your neighborhood private ER, E-Care Emergency Center.

Before you visit our convenient emergency care clinics in Coppell, Frisco, North Tarrant (N. Richland Hills, TX) and McKinney, TX, you may print out the attached patient forms. Bring the completed forms to your E-Care visit — no appointment necessary — and enjoy even more convenience.

E-Care Emergency Centers are designed to be your private emergency room without the wait!

Urgent Care Option Available During Urgent Care Hours Only:
Mon-Fri (8AM-10PM) Sat (8AM-8PM) Sun (9AM-5PM)

For more information, call your nearby E-Care or contact us online.